CAYL Catalyst Webinar Series

Episode #6

July 1, 2021 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST

Changing the Game for Young Asian Children

CAYL Catalyst - Webinar Series, Episode #6

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Sandy Baba, Senior Adjunct Professor at Graduate School of Human Development, Pacific Oaks College

Dr. Jenny Yen, Professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies, California State University, Fullerton
Kit Yung, Family Connector at Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center

Dr. Valora Washington, CEO & President of The CAYL Institute


     This month, the CAYL Catalyst webinar series presents Episode 6 – Changing the Game for Young Asian Children on July 1st, 2021 from 4-5pm EST. Join us as esteemed professionals Dr. Sandy Baba, Dr. Jenny Yen & Kit Yung will share their experience and advice on ways to support and advocate for young Asian children and their families in the field of early childhood education.

     What kinds of educational models and methods can culturally and linguistically support Asians families in the United States in child care? What are ways to engage and educate multilingual families with young children in safe COVID-19 practices? How are recent attacks on Asian American communities impacting the domestic and academic spheres of young Asian children and their families? For this demographic, what kinds of educational access and practice issues have persisted and been accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic?

     Keynote speaker Dr. Sandy Baba, Senior Adjunct Professor at Pacific Oaks College, holds 20+ years of experience in developing federal, state and locally funded early childhood education programs, while also being a strong advocate against anti-Asian hate crimes at a national level. Panelist Dr. Jenny Yen, Professor at California State University – Fullerton, held several positions on the CAAEYC, Affiliate Advisory Council, Nominating Committee and Peer Reviewer for NAEYC Recognition, and is the author of “Something Strange Happened in My City” – a social story for children on the coronavirus pandemic. Both Dr. Baba and Dr. Yen also co-established the Asian Interest Forum at NAEYC to improve Asian American childrens’ mental health. Panelist Kit Yung, Family Connector at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, is a multilingual music therapist and mental health counselor working directly with Asian immigrant families with children, including children with special needs, offering parent education, case management, counseling and support services, and community engagement.

Webinar Recording:
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Contact Information:

Dr. Sandy Baba

Dr. Jenny Yen

Kit Yung



Dr. Baba & Dr. Yen Resource Page

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