“Equity” has been a buzzword in early childhood education for decades, but how we think about equity today is different from how we thought about it in the past. As issues change and transform, how do we honor the leaders who fought for equity? How do we lift up the next generation of professionals who will continue advancing the cause?
Join us on February 1, 2024, as we welcome this month’s featured Portrait of Courage speaker: Sherri Killins Stewart, Ed.D. to CAYL Catalyst. Hear from Sherri as she shares her history with, inspiration for, and progress made towards equity in the field. Panelists Megan Waltz and Lonias Gilmore will join the conversation to share how they are joining the equity movement in ECE.
Get ready to be inspired and informed and to join the movement toward advancement.
Honoring the Past. Inspiring the Future…Portraits of Courage: Brave Leaders & Systems Change in ECE begins on February 1!
Contact Information:
Sherri Killins Stewart, Ed.D.
Megan Waltz
Lonias Gilmore
Dr. Valora Washington – CEO & President
-Sherri Killins Stewart, Ed.D. – Director of State Systems Alignment and Integration for the BUILD Initiative, Co-Director of State Services, and an independent consultant
-Megan Waltz – Supervisor for the Promotion and Prevention unit within the Child Safety and Permanency Division at the Minnesota Department of Human Services
-Lonias Gilmore – MPH, is the Director of Health Equity and Social Justice for the Big Cities Health Coalition
The New Early Childhood Professional: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Goliath (Teachers College Press)
Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project
Moving Beyond False Choices for Early Childhood Educators (New America Blog Series; Edited by Stacie G. Goffin)
Rewrite the Racial Rules: Building an Inclusive American Economy
The Nap Ministry – Rest is Resistance
Beyond Health Disparities: Confronting Cultural Racism
Seeing the Water: Seven Values Targets for Anti-Racism Action (Center for Primary Care – Harvard Medical School)
Equity Action Framework (BUILD Initiative)