CAYL Catalyst Webinar Series

Episode #28

July 13, 2023 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST

Next Generation ECE Leaders: Hope and Dilemmas


The CAYL Institute envisions that Early Childhood Education will be:


-Developmentally appropriate

-Culturally sensitive



Achieving this dream will take time as we stand on the shoulders of the great leaders who have come before us and look toward the next generation of impactful leaders.


What hopes and dilemmas do we face as we prepare the next generation to achieve this vision? How can we support and prepare the next generation of leaders to become Architects of Change on behalf of children?


This July, we invite you to join us as we welcome panelists from three national ECE leadership programs to share their lessons learned and discuss the hopes and dilemmas of the future.

Webinar Recording:
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Contact Information:

Dr. Cathy Grace

Demetria Joyce

Dr. Lee Johnson, III

Access previous episodes of the CAYL Catalyst Webinar Series here: